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It is our job to produce a solution that complies with the regulation valid in the regions we serve.

Powerful Stock, Fast Delivery, Quality Service

More than steel...

We dominate the steel...

Our excitement which started in 2005 contained within Tool Steel and Stainless Steel manufacturer abroad, continues today in the lands we were born under the roof of Salda Metal.

Our company was established to meet the needs of the market for qualified industrial steel and special alloys, and provides service with its expert Turkish engineer staff. In addition to our strong communication with over 60 companies that produce metals all over the world, we share with you 17 years of history and industry experience...


Export to More
than 30 Countries

Our Certificates


Salda Metal expressed its confidence and allegation in the sector as follows: "This is not just a start or a change of location in the country but at the same time It represents an important beginning in terms of presenting a vision that leads with the development of the metal industry in Turkey.”